Fire Detection Systems

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What we can do for you

Our engineers have had FIA design, installation and testing training. We can takeover existing systems or quote for new installations.

We have products from the world's leading fire protection manufacturers. We have excellent standards and our systems offer clients protection and piece of mind.

We work in conjunction with Saxon Fire to provide a rounded fore detection solution.

Fire Systems

Our Fire systems can either be stand alone, or linked to a Pentagon Security intruder alarm system. If you have an existing fire alarm system in place we can offer a free survey to take it over or, if necessary, upgrade.

Business Premises must ensure that they are following the Fire Safety regulations outlined in ‘The Regulatory Reform Order 2006’ If you employ 5 or more people you are responsible for ensuring your business premises meet the requirements. We can assist you in doing this and can provide reliable systems that meet the regulations and fulfill system requirements highlighted in your fire risk assessment. For more information on the regulations you can visit the government website

Pollard and Co


'Very reliable, great service, would highly recommend.'

Sebert Wood Community Primary School.


'Great value for money but even better service. Always friendly and helpful. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend'

Get in touch with us

01359 270228

Please call us on 01359 270228 or send us an
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